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Data Warehouse

Carium optionally exposes a data warehouse that can be used to query the data in the system. The data warehouse is a read-only OLAP database suitable for running complex queries, reports, and ad-hoc exploration. Access is provided through a PostgreSQL-compatible SQL interface and is consumable by most business-intelligence visualization products including Tableau, Looker, PowerBI, and AWS QuickSight.

Please contact your Carium representative to request access to the data warehouse.

Connecting to the Data Warehouse

Once you have received your credentials, you can connect to the data warehouse using any PostgreSQL-compatible client, such as psql or pgAdmin.

You must use SSL to connect to the data warehouse.

psql -h <hostname> -p <port> -U <username> -d <database>
Password for user username:
psql (14.10 (Ubuntu 14.10-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 8.0.2)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

carium_dbname=> \dt
List of relations
schema | name | type | owner
public | caredb_action_action | table | carium
public | caredb_action_actioncategory | table | carium
public | caredb_action_actionreminder | table | carium
public | caredb_action_category | table | carium
public | caredb_action_dailyachievement | table | carium
public | caredb_action_timebucketmute | table | carium
public | caredb_action_weeklyachievement | table | carium
public | caredb_aggregation_participant | table | carium
public | caredb_article_articleactivity | table | carium
public | caredb_article_articlecontent | table | carium
public | caredb_article_articleinfo | table | carium
public | caredb_article_individualarticlecontent | table | carium
Note on ERROR: SSL required

If the wrong username, password, or database name is supplied in the connection parameters then you may see two error lines:

psql: error: connection to server at "<hostname>" (, port 5439 failed: ERROR:  no such database: <database>
connection to server at "<hostname>" (, port 5439 failed: ERROR: SSL required

In this case the second error, SSL required, can be ignored. This is caused by a quirk in how the PostgreSQL authentication protocol works. The error that's real and needs to be addressed is no such database: <database>.

Querying Data

Issue standard SQL queries to the data warehouse to retrieve the data you need.

For example, to retrieve the first random user that's in the organization:

carium_dbname=> \x
Expanded display is on.
carium_dbname=> select * from identity_core_user limit 1;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------+--------------------------------------
created_time | 2023-04-24 16:06:52.062843
last_modified_time | 2023-10-13 16:13:38.469729
id | 003747ef797c4288af43f8e461eae1bf
email |
service_account | f
org_user_account | f
first_name | My First
last_name | Name
locale | en_US
locale_explicit | t
phone_number |
email_verified | t
state | disabled
primary_individual_id | 06728d5ee2ba11ed9bbe5aa2d25c9105
service_account_provenance |
tz | America/Los_Angeles
tz_explicit | t
custom_quota |
registration_completed_time | 2023-04-24 16:06:52.802778
is_not_archived | t
last_login_time | 2023-04-24 18:49:55.048022
classification | customer
enrollment_data | {}

Details for each of the tables and columns are available in the next section.