Name | Type | Not null | Description |
created_at | timestamp without time zone | True | |
entry_date | date | True | |
id | character varying(32) | True | |
is_active | boolean | True | |
item_log_id | character varying(32) | True | Links to . |
last_modified_at | timestamp without time zone | True | |
nutrient_calories | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_cholesterol | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_dietary_fiber | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_potassium | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_protein | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_saturated_fat | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_sodium | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_sugars | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_total_carbohydrate | numeric(6,2) | True | |
nutrient_total_fat | numeric(6,2) | True | |
occasion_id | character varying(32) | True | Links to . |
serving_qty | numeric(6,2) | True | |
serving_unit | character varying(255) | True |