Carium ingests, stores, summarizes, and alerts on a variety of health metrics.
A metric data point is a tuple identified by:
: The individual IDtype
The time the metric was recordedsource
A free-text string identifying the source of the data (likeFitbit
Each data point additionally has one or more value fields. For primitive types, this is a single value value
For complex fields, multiple additional fields are stored on the data point JSON object.
Once ingested, a data point is immutable. If a data point is updated, a new data point is created with the updated value and the original data point is marked as deleted.
Metric Types
Series Type | Data Type | Description |
ActiveEnergyBurned | Float | Deprecated Active energy burned (kcal) |
ActiveTime | Integer | Active time in minutes |
AerobicSteps | Integer | Aerobic steps |
AirQualityIndex | Integer | Deprecated Air quality index |
Auscultation | Complex | Auscultation |
BloodGlucose | Complex | Blood glucose series |
BloodPressure | Complex | Blood pressure series |
BodyFatPercentage | Float | Body fat percentage |
BodyMass | Float | Body mass in kg |
BodyMassGoal | Float | Body mass goal in kg |
BodyMassIndex | Float | Body mass index |
BodyMassLean | Float | Body mass lean in kg |
BodyTemperature | Float | Body temperature in degrees Celsius |
Covid19 | Integer | Covid-19 cases |
DailyActivity | Complex | Daily activity series |
DailyHeartRate | Complex | Daily heart rate series |
Distance | Float | Distance (meters) |
Dqv | Float | Diet quality value |
FeelingRating | Integer | Feeling rating |
ForcedExpiratoryVolume | Float | Forced expiratory volume in Liters |
FluActivity | Integer | Flu activity |
HbA1c | Float | HbA1c |
Height | Float | Height (meters) |
Hematocrit | Float | Hematocrit series |
Hemoglobin | Float | Hemoglobin series |
Medication | Complex | Medication series |
Mindfulness | Complex | Mindfulness series |
OxygenSaturation | Float | Oxygen saturation |
PeakFlow | Float | Peak flow |
PeriodicPulse | Complex | Deprecated Periodic pulse |
PollenGrassIndex | Integer | Deprecated Grass pollen index |
PollenRagweedIndex | Integer | Deprecated Ragweed pollen index |
PollenTreeIndex | Integer | Deprecated Tree pollen index |
PotassiumLevel | Integer | Potassium level state |
Pulse | Integer | Pulse |
SleepAnalysis | Enumeration | One of IN_BED , ASLEEP , or AWAKE |
Steps | Integer | Steps |
SkinTemperature | Float | Skin temperature in Celsius |
Vo2Max | Float | Vo2 max |
WaistCircumference | Float | Waist circumference (meters) |
WaterIntake | Float | Water intake in liters |
Notes on Complex Metric Types
BloodGlucose takes a Float value
as well as a context
(one of FASTING
BloodPressure takes a systolic
and diastolic
Integer value.
DailyActivity is primarily from Fitbit and consists of several values:
DailyHeartRate consists of zone_max
(Integer) and zone_minutes
(Integer) values.
Medication consists of:
Mindfulness takes a value
(Float) and a context
(one of FORMAL
PotassiumLevel takes a state
(one of LOW
Most metric types are pushed by devices to the POST /lachesis/v1/timeseries/
API. Some cloud-connected devices (such
as Fitbit) are pulled by Carium from the device's cloud API. These metrics can be delayed by up to 24 hours, depending
on the device vendor.
A smaller number of metric types are collected by Carium native Apps (for example Carium for iOS) and pushed to Carium's API. Carium manages the collection and device integration for ingestion of these metrics, which typically come from Bluetooth-connected devices.
Sending Metrics
You can push metrics to the Carium API using the POST /lachesis/v1/timeseries/
API. You should send no more than 128kb
of data per request.
The attributes.type
field should be one of the metrics included in body of the request. Additional metrics points can
be included in the data
See the Submit Timeseries Data API for the full schema.
POST /lachesis/v1/timeseries/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
"data": [
"type": "time-series",
"attributes": {
"individual-id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"type": "BodyMass",
"data": [
{"type": "BloodGlucose", "time": "2019-05-21 06:00:00", "value": 200, "context": "FASTING"},
{"type": "BloodPressure", "time": "2019-05-21 06:00:00", "systolic": 150, "diastolic": 90},
{"type": "BodyMass", "time": "2019-05-21 06:00:00", "value": 91.17},
{"type": "OxygenSaturation", "time": "2019-05-21 06:00:00", "value": 95},
{"type": "Pulse", "time": "2019-05-21 06:00:00", "value": 75},
Querying Metrics
Querying metrics is done through the GET /lachesis/v1/timeseries/
API, which requires supplying individual-id
query parameters. By default, you will receive a paged response across the entire time range of the metric.
The results can be narrowed by optionally supplying begin-datetime
, end-datetime
GET /lachesis/v1/timeseries/?individual-id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&type=BloodPressure&begin-datetime=2019-05-21 06:00:00&end-datetime=2019-05-21 07:00:00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: XXX
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"data": [
{"diastolic": 23, "systolic": 119, "tags": "a, b", "time": "2016-04-03 01:12:34"},
{"time": "2016-04-05 23:47:13", "systolic": 127, "diastolic": 75},
Threshold Crossing Alerts
Carium can fire alerts when a metric crosses a threshold. This is useful for alerting a user or caregiver when a metric is out of range.
There are two types of threshold crossing alerts:
Watermark alerts are fired when a metric crosses a threshold. For example, a provider may want to be alerted when blood pressure is above 140/90.
Range alerts are fired when a metric is within a range for a period of time. Multiple range alerts with
non-overlapping ranges are typically used together to classify a metric. For example, a provider organization may want
to classify blood pressure as Stage 1 Hypertension
, or Stage 2 Hypertension
and take different actions based on the