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Before diving in here, one should have at least a basic understanding of JSON schema. Carium uses JSON schema, with some additional custom properties, to define the data being presented/requested in a Form.

A fantastic place to start is with the aptly named article/book: Understanding JSON Schema. It's particularly important to have a decent understanding of the object type. The top-level definition for a Form is a JSON schema definition of an object, with each entry in properties representing a Field in the Form.

At both the Form level, as well as individual Fields, any attributes that aren't standard JSON schema are nested under the x-form key.


The top-level definition for a Form is a JSON schema object, with additional attributes nested underneath the x-form attribute. All the JSON schema attributes are required. The only required additional attribute is order.

Standard attributes

propertiesxobjectA key-value pair of string names to Field definitions.
requiredxstring[]An array of field names (keys in properties) that are required.
typexstringMust be the literal string "object"

Custom attributes

labelsobjectA key-value pair of string names to Label definitions.
layoutobjectThe Layout defining how the Form should be laid out.
limitsobject[]An array of Limit definitions used to validate the Form
orderxstring[]An ordered array of Field or Label names (keys in properties or x-form.labels).
sectionsobject[]An ordered array of Section definitions.
Simple example
"properties": {
"first": { "title": "First name", "type": "string" },
"last": { "title": "Last name", "type": "string" }
"required": ["first", "last"],
"type": "object",
"x-form": {
"order": ["last", "first"]


Some attributes are available for every Field, while others are specific to certain Field Types. Some of the attributes are official JSON schema, while others are custom to Carium. The custom attributes are nested under the x-form key in the Field definition.

Standard attributes

defaultstringThe default value for the Field that will be filled in when the Form is first rendered.
enumstring[]An array of valid values for this Field. Anything that's not one of those values will be considered invalid.
formatenum[string]One of (date, datetime, uuid). Special case formats for the Field.
maxLengthnumberThe maximum length of the entered string value.
minLengthnumberThe minimum length of the entered string value.
titlexstringUser-visible display label for this Field

Custom attributes

conditionobjectA Field Condition definition.
hideOptionalLabelbooleanUnless true, optional Fields have (Optional) appended to their labels.
multilinebooleanDetermines if the Field input supports newlines being entered by the user.
layoutFieldLayoutDetermines how this Field is laid out within the layout of the containing Form or Section
readOnlybooleanWhen true, this Field won't allow the user to change its value.

Field Layout

dataxobjectThe type-specific data for this FieldLayout
typexstringThe type of FieldLayout being specified, currently, the only option is "grid"

Field Grid Layout

alignSelfstringHow to align this cell within the grid (align-self)
colnumberThe amount of space rendered between rows in the grid ([grid-row-gap][grid-col-row-gap]).
colSpannumberHow to break up consecutive elements into columns ([grid-template-columns][grid-template-cols-rows]).
horizontalbooleanOnly used for Fields of type Checklist, render options horizontally when true.
justifySelfstringHow to justify this cell within the grid (justify-self)
rownumberThe amount of space rendered between rows in the grid ([grid-row-gap][grid-col-row-gap]).
rowSpannumberHow to break up consecutive elements into columns ([grid-template-columns][grid-template-cols-rows]).
"data": {
"colSpan": 3
"type": "grid"

Field Condition

Conditions allow a Field to only be displayed to the user if certain criteria are met. These criteria are based on the values of other Fields in the Form. Whenever the FieldCondition is met, that Field will be displayed and considered required. If the FieldCondition isn't met, that Field won't be displayed and won't be required.

andarray[object]An array of FieldCondition definitions. If ALL are met, this FieldCondition will be met.
orarray[object]An array of FieldCondition definitions. If ANY are met, this FieldCondition will be.
whenstringName of the Field (key in properties) this Field is dependent upon.
containsstringUsed if when points to a Checklist, FieldCondition is met if this value is one of the ones selected
isstringFieldCondition is met if value of Field is equal to this value
notMatchbooleanWhen true, this FieldCondition is met if the conditions described AREN'T met

Field types

Forms support a wide variety of Field types, which map to different UI components that will be displayed and different experience for the user. While each Field's value will be stored as a string, the UI components can limit the user's input to match an integer, number, or boolean.


This Field type renders a single checkbox. When the checkbox is checked, the value of the Field is "true". When it's un-checkecked, the value will be removed from the Form value altogether.

booleanFieldobjectA BooleanField definition.
choiceTypeXstringThe string literal "Boolean"

Boolean Field

defaultbooleanDefault value for this Field to be set on initial Form rendering.
titleXstringUser visible display label for this Field.
typeXstringThe string literal "boolean".
"title": "",
"type": "string",
"x-form": {
"booleanField": {
"default": false,
"title": "I accept these terms and conditions.",
"type": "boolean"
"choiceType": "Boolean"


Sometimes, a user needs to be able to select multiple options from a list. This Field type renders a list of checkboxes, allowing the user to select multiple options. The value of the schema will be a comma-delimited string of all the selected options, such as "option1,option2,option3"

choiceTypeXstringThe string literal "Checklist"
optionsXarray[object]An array of ChecklistOption definitions.
optionsLayoutobjectA Layout definition.

Checklist Option

labelstringThe user-visible label for this checklist option. When omitted, the value will be displayed directly.
layoutobjectA FieldLayout definition.
valueXstringThe value of this option
"title": "Favorite falvor(s)",
"type": "string",
"x-form": {
"choiceType": "Checklist",
"options": [
{ "label": "Vanilla", "value": "vanilla" },
{ "label": "Chocolate", "value": "chocolate" },
{ "label": "Strawberry", "value": "strawberry" }


When a user needs to enter a date, this Field type renders a date input with a calendar icon in it. The user can either type in a date manually, or click the calendar icon to display a date picker in a modal. When a date is entered, the field's value will be a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD (such as "2024-02-26")

"title": "Birth date",
"type": "string",
"x-form": {
"choiceType": "Date"


When a user needs to enter both a date and time, this Field type renders a date/time input with a calendar icon in it. The user can either type in a date/time manually, or click the calendar icon to display a date/time picker in a modal. When a date is entered, the field's value will be a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (such as "2024-02-26 13:14:15")

"title": "Appointment time",
"type": "string",
"x-form": {
"choiceType": "Datetime"

To display a dropdown with multiple options, use the choiceType of Select. This will render a dropdown with the possible values as options. When an option is selected, the value of the Field will be the string value of the selected option.

Standard attributes

enumXarray[string]The array of possible string values for the dropdown
titleXstringUser-visible display label for this Field.

Custom attributes

choiceTypeXstringThe string literal "Select"
enumLabelsarray[string]An array of user-visible string labels for each value in enum, when omitted, the enum values will be displayed directly.
"default": "morning",
"enum": ["morning", "afternoon", "evening"],
"title": "Preferred contact time",
"type": "string",
"x-form": {
"choiceType": "Select",
"enumLabels": ["Morning", "Afternoon", "Evening"]


This Field type renders a numeric input, that validates the user's input is an integer. When the input is filled in, the value of the Field is the string representation of the entered integer.

integerFieldobjectAn IntegerField definition.
choiceTypeXstringThe string literal "Integer"

Integer Field

defaultintegerDefault value for this Field to be set on initial Form rendering.
excusiveMaximumintegerAn exclusive maximum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be less than this value.
excusiveMinimumintegerAn exclusive minimum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be greater than this value.
maximumintegerAn exclusive maximum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be less than or equal to this value.
minimumintegerAn exclusive minimum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be greater than or equal to this value.
titleXstringUser visible display label for this Field.
typeXstringThe string literal "integer".
"title": "",
"type": "string",
"x-form": {
"choiceType": "Integer",
"integerField": {
"default": 5,
"maximum": 7,
"minimum": 0,
"title": "How many days a week do you work?",
"type": "integer"


This Field type renders a numeric input, that validates the user's input is a number. When the input is filled in, the value of the Field is the string representation of the entered number.

numberFieldobjectAn NumberField definition.
choiceTypeXstringThe string literal "Number"

Number Field

defaultnumberDefault value for this Field to be set on initial Form rendering.
excusiveMaximumnumberAn exclusive maximum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be less than this value.
excusiveMinimumnumberAn exclusive minimum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be greater than this value.
maximumnumberAn exclusive maximum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be less than or equal to this value.
minimumnumberAn exclusive minimum value for this Field, meaning the entered value must be greater than or equal to this value.
titleXstringUser visible display label for this Field.
typeXstringThe string literal "number".
"title": "",
"type": "string",
"x-form": {
"choiceType": "Number",
"numberField": {
"default": 33.3,
"maximum": 100,
"minimum": 0,
"title": "What percent of your time is spent on this activity?",
"type": "number"


A Label is a way to display static text to a user. It's in no way associated with any Field, but is referenced similarly within the order attribute of a Form, or Section definition.

Two types of Labels are supported: text and markdown.

Markdown Label

typexstringThe literal string "markdown"
valuexstringThe Markdown text that will be rendered and displayed to the user.
"type": "markdown",
"value": "# Hello, World!"

Text Label

boldbooleanWhen true, the value will be rendered as bold text.
colorstringThe CSS color to use for the displayed text.
fontSizestringThe CSS font-size to use for the displayed text.
italicbooleanWhen true, the value will be rendered as italic text.
typexstringThe literal string "text"
valuexstringThe user-visible text that will be displayed to the user.
"bold": true,
"color": "blue",
"fontSize": "2rem",
"italic": true,
"type": "text",
"value": "Hello, World!"


Sections are a way to group Fields and/or Labels together within a Form. All Sections are collapsible and opened initially by default. However, they can be configured to be collapsed by default.

collapsedbooleanShould this Section start out collapsed on initial render?
layoutobjectA Layout definition. Determines how the Fields and Labels within this Section will be laid out.
orderxstring[]An ordered array of Field or Label names (keys in properties or x-form.labels).
titlestringThe user-visible name of this Section.
"collapsed": true,
"layout": {
"data": {
"columnGap": "1rem",
"templateColumns": "3fr 1fr 2fr"
"type": "grid"
"order": ["address1", "address2", "city", "state", "zip"],
"title": "Address"


dataxobjectThe type-specific data for this Layout
typexstringThe type of Layout being specified, currently, the only option is "grid"

Grid Layout

columnGapstringThe amount of space rendered between columns in the grid (grid-column-gap).
rowGapstringThe amount of space rendered between rows in the grid (grid-row-gap).
templateColumnsstringHow to break up consecutive elements into columns (grid-template-columns).
templateRowsstringHow to break up consecutive elements into rows (grid-template-rows).
"data": {
"columnGap": "1rem",
"templateColumns": "1fr 1fr"
"type": "grid"


Forms can define Limits that allow the values of multiple Fields to be compared to each other. The individual schema for one Field can't reference the value of another Field, but the Form can define a Limit that checks how the values of two Fields compare to each other.

errorxstringThe user-visible error message to display if this Limit isn't satisfied.
lhsxstringThe Field name (key of properties) for the left hand side of the comparison.
opxenum[<, <=, >, >=]The operator used to compare the lhs and rhs values.
rhsxstringThe Field name (key of properties) for the right hand side of the comparison.
"error": "Start date must be before end date",
"lhs": "start-date",
"op": "<",
"rhs": "end-date"